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Jamstack Websites

The modern way to develop for the web, delivering sites that are secure, fast and easily scalable

What is JAMstack?

JAMstack isn’t a specific set of tools, but a new, modern way of building websites & apps. It seeks to provide an alternative to traditional web development practices that require complex infrastructure to power largely static websites and applications.

The J-A-M in JAMstack stands for;

  • Javascript: Client-side programming language used to deliver dynamic content to the frontend
  • APIs: A method for applications to talk to one another. A good example is connecting to a Headless CMS to access website content
  • Markup: Pre-rendered HTML produced using a build tool or static site generator

As JAMStack websites and applications output static files, these can be hosted on various CDNs which provide a number of benefits

What problems does Jamstack address?

  • Costly & complex infrastructure

    A traditional CMS website needs to run on expensive web & database servers. This can be costly and require significant set up to run optimally.

  • Scaling issues for high traffic websites

    When traditional websites experience high traffic the infrastructure they reside on needs to scale to meet demand. This is often complex & costly involving additional servers, load balancers and reverse proxies.

  • Site speed issues

    A traditional website can experience site speed issues as the site is generally dynamically generated and involves complex database operations. Slow loading sites can impact usability, satisfaction, conversions as well as impact search engine rankings.

  • Security concerns

    Due to the dynamic nature of a traditional website, it is quite vulnerable to attack. From Denial of service, SQL injection and XSS there are a number of opportunities for a site to be attacked.

Benefits of a Jamstack website

Faster load times

Fast load websites can increase user satisfaction, engagement and conversions as well having a positive impact on search engine optimisation

Improved security

The Jamstack architecture ensures significantly less exposure to common security vulnerabilites

Simplified infrastructure

Jamstack websites do not require complex infrastructures containing web, database and load balancers, instead, they can be hosted on fully managed global CDN for a fraction of the cost

Incredibly easy to scale

Hosting your application on global CDN's ensures that you pay only for what you use with no limits on scale, and no configuration required to scale up and down.

Single source of truth

By utilising a Headless or Decoupled CMS you can store all of your content in the one place and reuse across a number of applications or websites.

How Webplace can help

1. Discovery

First we seek to understand the problem, your organisation and your users

2. Roadmap

Work with you to devise a clear roadmap

3. Solution Design

Provide recommendations for the best tools for the job

4. Content modelling

Clearly define all data types and how this will be managed

5. UX & Web Design

Wireframe and produce visually stunning design

6. CMS setup

Setup Headless / Decoupled CMS including publishing workflow

7. Website / application development

Develop application using static site generator such as GatsbyJS or Next.js

8. Devops and deployment

Deploy to global CDN provider using inbuilt build tools

9. Post launch

Continually monitor and improve

Content Management for JAMStack

We work with a number of Headless and Decoupled Content Management systems that can be used as your content repository

Icon forContentful


Icon forDatoCMS


Icon forWordPress


Icon forDrupal



An example of products and services you can connect to your JAMStack website or application

Icon forAlgolia


Icon forSwiftype


Icon forGoogle Analytics

Google Analytics

Icon forSalesforce


Icon forUnbounce


Icon forActive Campaign

Active Campaign

Icon forLeadpages


Icon forWufoo


Icon forSurvey monkey

Survey monkey

Icon forSendgrid


Icon forMarketo


Icon forCampaign monitor

Campaign monitor

Icon forEventbrite


Icon forMailchimp


Static site generators

Build your site using a static site generator to unlock the speed, security, scalability and SEO benefits

Icon forGatsbyJS


Icon forNext.js


Deploy to a CDN

Deploy your site to a lightning fast, secure and infinitely scalable CDN

Icon forGatsby Cloud

Gatsby Cloud

Icon forNetlify


Related insights

This is a card image link
19, Aug, 2020

Redeveloping our site using a Headless CMS

Speed, Security and Stability are just some of the benefits we have seen from transitioning to a Headless CMS. Learn more

This is a card image link
11, Aug, 2020

Understanding the differences and advantages of Headless over traditional CMS

We compare Traditional, Headless and Decoupled CMS and outline why your organisation may want to consider a Headless CMS

Why our clients love us

I worked with Webplace to completely redevelop the Philanthropy Australia website.
The Webplace team were wonderful to work with – highly professional and very organised.
The final result is a fabulous reflection of our initial brief.
I fully recommend Webplace. We are thrilled with the final product.

Sophie Marcard, Philanthropy Australia

Let’s work together

Interested in understanding further features and benefits of Jamstack and how it can relate to your organisation?

Contact us today!